Pogoji uporabe in politika o zasebnosti
Katerakoli oseba ali entiteta (v nadaljevanju uporabnik), ki dostopa do MojaAnketa.si spletne strani (v nadaljevanju - MojaAnketa.si ali katerihkoli informacija, ki jih spletna stran vsebuje se strinja in je zavezan k upoštevanju naslednjih splošnh pogojev (dogovor). Ta dogovor je legalen dogovor med uporabnikom in MojaAnketa.si servisi, ki vključujejo računalniško programsko opremo, mehanizme hranjenja podatkov, baze podatkov in sorodne dizajne, natisnjene materiale in spletno ali elektronsko dokumentacijo. Če se s splošnimi pogoji tega dogovora ne strinjate, te strani MojaAnketa.si.ne smete uporabljati.
MojaAnketa.si je spletna stran, ki omogoča zbiranje in uporabo informacij za svoje uporabnike. Registrirani uporabniki zbirajo informacije s pomočjo oblikovanja anket in preko povabil ali objave povezave omogočijo dostop zunanjim uporabnikom.
S prijavo ali sodelovanjem v anketi MojaAnketa.si, se uporabnik strinja z uporabo njegovih podatkov. Uporabnik se strinja, da bodo njegovi podatki prikazani na spletni strani pod rubriko “reference”. MojaAnketa.si avtomatsko prejme in shrani na svojem serverju podatke uporabnikovega brskalnika. To vključuje IP naslov, piškotke in druge podatke, ki so na razpolago.
MojaAnketa.si uporabniški račun je zaščiten z geslom zaradi vartsva osebnih podatkov in varnosti uporabnikov. Vsak registrirani uporabnik prevzema odgovornost, da svojih dostopnih podatkov ne deli s tretjimi osebami. Uporabnik je odgovoren za svoje dostopne podatke in vse akcije, ki se izvršijo v okviru njegovega uporabniškega računa. Uporabnik je odgovoren za zaupnost svojega uporabniškega računa in gesla. Uporabnik lahko svoj uporabniški račun uporablja za osebe ali poslovne namena.
MojaAnketa.si je spletna stran, ki omogoča zbiranje in uporabo informacij za svoje uporabnike. Registrirani uporabniki zbirajo informacije s pomočjo oblikovanja anket in preko povabil ali objave povezave omogočijo dostop zunanjim uporabnikom.
S prijavo ali sodelovanjem v anketi MojaAnketa.si, se uporabnik strinja z uporabo njegovih podatkov. Uporabnik se strinja, da bodo njegovi podatki prikazani na spletni strani pod rubriko “reference”. MojaAnketa.si avtomatsko prejme in shrani na svojem serverju podatke uporabnikovega brskalnika. To vključuje IP naslov, piškotke in druge podatke, ki so na razpolago.
MojaAnketa.si uporabniški račun je zaščiten z geslom zaradi vartsva osebnih podatkov in varnosti uporabnikov. Vsak registrirani uporabnik prevzema odgovornost, da svojih dostopnih podatkov ne deli s tretjimi osebami. Uporabnik je odgovoren za svoje dostopne podatke in vse akcije, ki se izvršijo v okviru njegovega uporabniškega računa. Uporabnik je odgovoren za zaupnost svojega uporabniškega računa in gesla. Uporabnik lahko svoj uporabniški račun uporablja za osebe ali poslovne namena.
Odgovornost za objavljene vsebine
MojaAnketa.si uporabnik je odgovoren samo za informacije, ki jih vnaša na spletni strani in jih na kakršenkoli način daje na razpolago drugim uporabnikom.
MojaAnketa.si ne kontrolira podatkov in vsebine, ki so bili, z uporabo spletnih servisov, dani na razpolago. MojaAnketa.si ne zagotavlja kvalitete, odgovornosti in resničnosti informacij.
Z uporabo MojaAnketa.si se uporabnik zavezuje k temu, da servisov ne bo uporabljal za:
MojaAnketa.si ne kontrolira podatkov in vsebine, ki so bili, z uporabo spletnih servisov, dani na razpolago. MojaAnketa.si ne zagotavlja kvalitete, odgovornosti in resničnosti informacij.
Z uporabo MojaAnketa.si se uporabnik zavezuje k temu, da servisov ne bo uporabljal za:
- Nalaganje, pošiljanje, pošiljanje preko e-pošte, posredovanje ali na kak drug način objavljanje vsebine, ki je nezakonita, ki škodi, grozi, zlorablja, nadleguje, je vulgarna, obscena, uporablja kletvice ali je posega v zasebnost drugega, je sovražna ali rasistično, etnično ali kako drugače sporna;
- Ali na kakršenkoli način škoduje mladoletnikom;
- Nalaganje, pošiljanje, pošiljanje preko e-pošte, posredovanje ali na kak drug način objavljanje vsebine, ki je nimate pravice objavljati zaradi zakona ali sklenjenih pogodb (notranjih informacij, patetntov ali zaupnih informacij, ki so vam dostopne zaradi narave dela ali pogodbe o varovanju podatkov);
- Nalaganje, pošiljanje, pošiljanje preko e-pošte, posredovanje ali na kak drug način objavljanje vsebine, ki posaga v katerikoli patent, blagovno znamko, poslovno skrivnost, avtorske pravice ali druge lastniške pravice (“Pravice”) katerekoli osebe;
- Nalaganje, pošiljanje, pošiljanje preko e-pošte, posredovanje ali na kak drug način objavljanje nezaželenih ali nedovoljenih reklam, promocijskega materiala, reklamne pošte, nezaželene pošte, verižnih pisem ali kakršnekoli druge oblike nadlegovanja;
- Motiti ali se vmešavati se v Servise ali serverje ali mrežo povezano s Servisi, ali neupoštevanje zahtev, procedur, politike ali regulacij mreže povezane s Servisi;
- Namerno ali nenamerno kršenje lokalnega, nacinalnega ali internacionalnega prava.
Politika o zasebnosti
Politika o zasebnosti narekuje, kako MojaAnketa.si procesira informacije uporabnikov, ki so zbrane in shranjene v bazi podatkov MojaAnketa.si.
MojaAnketa.si informacije o uporabniškem računu, oblikovane ankete in rezultati so izključno last uporabnika. Zaupnost osebnih podatkov je ena od glavnih načel MojaAnketa.si. MojaAnketa.si podatkov o uporabnikih ne bo dajala na razpolago drugim osebam, razen v primerih, ki jih določa lokalno ali internacionalno pravo. MojaAnketa.si si pridržuje pravico, da zapre uporabniški račun in onemogoči dostop do rezultatov in posreduje podatke o uporabniku, če za to obstajajo razlogi ali če tako narekuje pravo.
Prijava v servise MojaAnketa.si in sodelovanje je prostovoljno. Anketiranci se zavedajo in so odgovorni za to, koliko osebnih podatkov navedejo. Anketiranci se zavedajo, da bodo vse informacije na razpolago uporabniku MojaAnketa.si in bodo uporabljene pri procesiranju podatkov.
MojaAnketa.si informacije o uporabniškem računu, oblikovane ankete in rezultati so izključno last uporabnika. Zaupnost osebnih podatkov je ena od glavnih načel MojaAnketa.si. MojaAnketa.si podatkov o uporabnikih ne bo dajala na razpolago drugim osebam, razen v primerih, ki jih določa lokalno ali internacionalno pravo. MojaAnketa.si si pridržuje pravico, da zapre uporabniški račun in onemogoči dostop do rezultatov in posreduje podatke o uporabniku, če za to obstajajo razlogi ali če tako narekuje pravo.
Prijava v servise MojaAnketa.si in sodelovanje je prostovoljno. Anketiranci se zavedajo in so odgovorni za to, koliko osebnih podatkov navedejo. Anketiranci se zavedajo, da bodo vse informacije na razpolago uporabniku MojaAnketa.si in bodo uporabljene pri procesiranju podatkov.
This Privacy Policy describes how MojaAnketa.si is collecting and using your information in connection with the services offered, further on SERVICES.
This Privacy Policy is applied when any person visits any portion of the SERVICES. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a SUBSCRIBER is a person who creates and distributes online surveys and a RESPONDENT is a person who answers online surveys created by the SUBSCRIBER or the MojaAnketa.si.
SERVICES offered by MojaAnketa.si is voluntary. You are not required to provide any personal information unless you choose to access features of the SERVICES that require such information. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy, then please do not provide us with personal information and cease using the SERVICES.
By creating a SUBSCRIBER account or by accessing the SERVICES, you expressly consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.
You have the right to access, to delete and to restrict the processing of your personal data. Such requests should be sent to MojaAnketa.si using the available contact form or email of the SERVICES.
From SUBSCRIBER we collect and store the following information:
* Registration information – name, surname, institution and email address. SUBSCRIBER can view and edit this information in settings.
* Survey information - questions and responses.
* For paid account users we require billing details according to the Law of Accounting.
* Device and application data: MojaAnketa.si might collect data from the device the SUBSCRIBER uses to access the SERVICES - IP address, browser type and referral data.
* Information from cookies and plugins: MojaAnketa.si uses third party tracking services (Google Analytics) that employ cookies and plugins to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data may include usage and User statistics.
From RESPONDENT we collect and store the following information:
* Responses to surveys. Please note that MojaAnketa.si is not responsible for the content of surveys so if you have any questions about a survey you are taking, please contact the SUBSCRIBER directly.
* Registered email, IP address and registration time if RESPONDENT is subscribed to the data base of the MojaAnketa.si.
* Device and application data: MojaAnketa.si might collect data from the device the SUBSCRIBER uses to access the SERVICES - IP address, browser type and referral data.
* Information from cookies and plugins: MojaAnketa.si uses third party tracking services (Google Analytics) that employ cookies and plugins to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data may include usage and User statistics.
The SUBSCRIBER who creates surveys is the Data Controller off all data received as responses, and MojaAnketa.si is the Data Processor of such data.
For the processing of data on behalf of the Data Controller, the Data Processor will follow these obligations:
* To treat the personal data only to carry out the SERVICES.
* To maintain the confidentiality of the personal data within the reasonable limits and according to local legislation to which the Data Processor has access, even after the termination of the contractual relationship.
* To transfer the data of Data Controller to it required destination after receiving written request within 30 days of such request. Data transfer means are set by the Data Processor.
* To delete the data of Data Controller after receiving written request within 30 days of such request.
We use the information we collect from you to perform the SERVICES, to analyse how to improve the SERVICES provided.
We may be sending you information about products, special offers and any other information about the SERVICES by any means, including email.
MojaAnketa.si will be sending invites to participate in surveys to the RESPONDENTS that have subscribed to the data base of RESPONDENTS.
We do not sell or disclose SUBSCRIBER survey data or private data to third parties unless specifically requested by the SUBSCRIBER.
MojaAnketa.si is based in the EU and complies with the GDPR framework as set forth by the European Union regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data from EU member countries.
If you are a SUBSCRIBER, we are entitled to use your data in order to fulfil our contractual obligations with you.
In addition, we are entitled by law to use your data for direct marketing purposes, in order to send you by electronic means commercial communications related with MojaAnketa.si products or services which are similar to the SERVICES. You are entitled to opt out of receiving any commercial communications.
Cookies can be used to follow your activity throughout the SERVICES.
9.1 You may cancel your account and you may opt out of receiving any emails from MojaAnketa.si at any time by deleting your account in the settings page. Deleting your account will cause all the data in the account to be permanently deleted from our systems within a reasonable time period.
We retain information for active MojaAnketa.si accounts as long as it is necessary and relevant for our operations. In addition, we may retain information from closed accounts to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigation.
The information we store about you will be handled in accordance with this policy during the maximum time frame permitted by law. After those time limits, your information will be fully deleted or anonymised.
This Privacy Policy is applied when any person visits any portion of the SERVICES. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a SUBSCRIBER is a person who creates and distributes online surveys and a RESPONDENT is a person who answers online surveys created by the SUBSCRIBER or the MojaAnketa.si.
SERVICES offered by MojaAnketa.si is voluntary. You are not required to provide any personal information unless you choose to access features of the SERVICES that require such information. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy, then please do not provide us with personal information and cease using the SERVICES.
By creating a SUBSCRIBER account or by accessing the SERVICES, you expressly consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.
You have the right to access, to delete and to restrict the processing of your personal data. Such requests should be sent to MojaAnketa.si using the available contact form or email of the SERVICES.
From SUBSCRIBER we collect and store the following information:
* Registration information – name, surname, institution and email address. SUBSCRIBER can view and edit this information in settings.
* Survey information - questions and responses.
* For paid account users we require billing details according to the Law of Accounting.
* Device and application data: MojaAnketa.si might collect data from the device the SUBSCRIBER uses to access the SERVICES - IP address, browser type and referral data.
* Information from cookies and plugins: MojaAnketa.si uses third party tracking services (Google Analytics) that employ cookies and plugins to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data may include usage and User statistics.
From RESPONDENT we collect and store the following information:
* Responses to surveys. Please note that MojaAnketa.si is not responsible for the content of surveys so if you have any questions about a survey you are taking, please contact the SUBSCRIBER directly.
* Registered email, IP address and registration time if RESPONDENT is subscribed to the data base of the MojaAnketa.si.
* Device and application data: MojaAnketa.si might collect data from the device the SUBSCRIBER uses to access the SERVICES - IP address, browser type and referral data.
* Information from cookies and plugins: MojaAnketa.si uses third party tracking services (Google Analytics) that employ cookies and plugins to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data may include usage and User statistics.
The SUBSCRIBER who creates surveys is the Data Controller off all data received as responses, and MojaAnketa.si is the Data Processor of such data.
For the processing of data on behalf of the Data Controller, the Data Processor will follow these obligations:
* To treat the personal data only to carry out the SERVICES.
* To maintain the confidentiality of the personal data within the reasonable limits and according to local legislation to which the Data Processor has access, even after the termination of the contractual relationship.
* To transfer the data of Data Controller to it required destination after receiving written request within 30 days of such request. Data transfer means are set by the Data Processor.
* To delete the data of Data Controller after receiving written request within 30 days of such request.
We use the information we collect from you to perform the SERVICES, to analyse how to improve the SERVICES provided.
We may be sending you information about products, special offers and any other information about the SERVICES by any means, including email.
MojaAnketa.si will be sending invites to participate in surveys to the RESPONDENTS that have subscribed to the data base of RESPONDENTS.
We do not sell or disclose SUBSCRIBER survey data or private data to third parties unless specifically requested by the SUBSCRIBER.
MojaAnketa.si is based in the EU and complies with the GDPR framework as set forth by the European Union regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data from EU member countries.
If you are a SUBSCRIBER, we are entitled to use your data in order to fulfil our contractual obligations with you.
In addition, we are entitled by law to use your data for direct marketing purposes, in order to send you by electronic means commercial communications related with MojaAnketa.si products or services which are similar to the SERVICES. You are entitled to opt out of receiving any commercial communications.
Cookies can be used to follow your activity throughout the SERVICES.
9.1 You may cancel your account and you may opt out of receiving any emails from MojaAnketa.si at any time by deleting your account in the settings page. Deleting your account will cause all the data in the account to be permanently deleted from our systems within a reasonable time period.
We retain information for active MojaAnketa.si accounts as long as it is necessary and relevant for our operations. In addition, we may retain information from closed accounts to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigation.
The information we store about you will be handled in accordance with this policy during the maximum time frame permitted by law. After those time limits, your information will be fully deleted or anonymised.
Ostali predpisi
MojaAnketa.si ima pravico obveščati svoje uporabnike o različnih vsebinah in novicah preko spletne strani in/ali emaila.
MojaAnketa.si ima pravico spremeniti in posodobiti te predpise brez kakršnegakoli obvestila.
MojaAnketa.si ima pravico spremeniti in posodobiti te predpise brez kakršnegakoli obvestila.